Category: Off the Wall

Six Songs for a Subjangley Sunday

Six Songs for a Subjangley Sunday

Music downloads now bring in less revenue than physical products, and CDs are all but dead... CDs are now worth less to the industry than every category of music distribution other than tiny ones like ringtones and music video downloads. -- Forbes, September 2020 The...

Six Songs for a Better Friday

Six Songs for a Better Friday

Without government intervention, 90 percent of independent clubs don’t believe they can survive another six months of coronavirus shutdown. It could cause a near extinction of small music venues, said Jim DeRogatis, music critic and co-host of the nationally...

A Potful of Pop to Purchase on Friday

A Potful of Pop to Purchase on Friday

My lockdown hardship story... I needed a new gas can for my lawnmower fuel. We still call the containers cans even though they've been made from plastic for as long as I've been walking behind a mower in grass-stained canvas shoes. In normal times I would drive over...

Under the Covers with Bob Dylan

Under the Covers with Bob Dylan

There exist people whose lives were transformed the first time they heard Bob Dylan. Full disclosure: I am not one of those people. I eased into Bob Dylan -- adding a track here, an album there -- through a process of aggregation that's been ongoing for (cough cough)...

Five Songs to Buy on Friday

Five Songs to Buy on Friday

Nothing makes you appreciate a functioning government like a global pandemic. -- Andrew Yang Andrew Yang has been described as The Happy Warrior, an appellation previously applied to Lord Nelson and presidential candidates Al Smith and Hubert Humphrey. But Andrew's...

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