Category: Features

Bacon Hammer – The Arms of Jesus

Bacon Hammer – The Arms of Jesus

Today is Easter Sunday, the day on which Christians celebrate the Resurrection of their Lord and Savior. Non-Christians, and most Christians, too, for that matter, celebrate the arrival of a large rabbit that scatters eggs around the house in a perverse re-enactment...

Wormbag – Ooo Baby Baby

Wormbag – Ooo Baby Baby

This feature first appeared in 2014. And I am going to keep reprinting it until someone recognizes the genius of Wormbag. --- I have seen post-grunge alt-folk country dream pop future and its name is Wormbag. Wormbag slammed into the Portland music scene in 2012. The...

Mance Lipscomb – Farmer and Songster

Mance Lipscomb – Farmer and Songster

I worked so hard in my lifetime, look like I dreams about it now. And I wake up in the morning, thinking I got to go to the field.-- Mance Lipscomb, I Say Me for a Parable I. The CottonThe southern extremity of Brazos County, Texas is covered by a broad expanse of...

Furry Lewis – Judge Harsh Blues

Furry Lewis – Judge Harsh Blues

The Mississippi Delta is a great wedge of alluvial floodplain — the dirt that’s laid down when a river comes out of its banks — that begins just below Memphis, reaches 90 miles across at its widest, then tips out at Vicksburg where the Yazoo River joins the...

Through the Year Backwards with Bacon Hammer

Through the Year Backwards with Bacon Hammer

We mark the progression of our lives by the holidays. The day you enter this world becomes an instant holiday - your birthday - which your friends and family are obligated to celebrate even if they don't really like you. If you positively impact the lives of enough...

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