Category: Song of the Day

The Turkey Buzzards – Swing Bridge

The Turkey Buzzards – Swing Bridge

In popular fiction, a Coming of Age event - accompanied by mild trauma, often of a sexual nature - is required to ferry one across the Rubicon that separates Childhood from Adulthood. I feel somewhat cheated by having never experienced such an episode. One day I was a...

Backyard Star – Enemy

Backyard Star – Enemy

There was a time, eons ago, when I knew with one hundred percent certainty that a particular co-worker would knock on my door every Sunday afternoon. Bill would enter my apartment - invariably shirtless as he was one of those men who simply can’t stand to wear a shirt...

Sofa City Sweetheart – Annie Stays Home

Sofa City Sweetheart – Annie Stays Home

Real solitude comes from a stable heart that does not get carried away by the pull of the crowd, nor by the sorrows about the past, worries about the future, or excitement or stress about the present. -- Thich Nhat Hanh I go into solitude so as not to drink out of...

Uncle Uncle – Part of Me

Uncle Uncle – Part of Me

You listen to a song, like any Beatles song, those are all sad songs sung happily. You would never know what they were going through individually. -- Colin Wilde, Black Thumb Too much happiness can be a very annoying thing. As much as we all strive for happiness,...

Love Strangers – Trouble Bag

Love Strangers – Trouble Bag

From the moment we descended out of the trees of the Serengeti - a decision we immediately regretted when we found ourselves pursued by an enormous carnivore comfortably ensconced on four legs and baring a magnificent set of teeth - we have been running from or to...

theCatherines – It’s really good!

theCatherines – It’s really good!

Which came first, summer or the pop song? The two are indelibly linked. When God tilted the axis of this Earth and sent our planet forth on its journey round the sun, He cued up His Summer Songs mixtape on the Holy Walkman - God being rather Old School when it comes...

Liz + the Baguettes – The Age and the Ache

Liz + the Baguettes – The Age and the Ache

There is one thing I can say for certain: the older a person gets, the lonelier he becomes. In a sense our lives are nothing more than a series of stages to help us get used to loneliness... If you remember me, then I don’t care if everyone else forgets. -- Haruki...

Wild Daydream – Good Company

Wild Daydream – Good Company

Music exists only in the moment of its performance. Music always expresses the immediate in its immediacy. Music, like time, is measured but immeasurable, is composed but indivisible. -- Søren Kierkegaard, Either/Or Listen: Billy Pilgrim has come unstuck in time. --...

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