Category: Song of the Day
Arsoniste – Gravity
It's pretty much without color. It's gray, and it's a very white, chalky gray... I'm looking at the Earth. It's big and bright and beautiful. -- Neil Armstrong comparing the Moon and the Earth immediately after the Apollo 11 landing Our Moon is the high school...
Breachway – Matrimony
My depression is the most faithful mistress I have known -- no wonder, then, that I return the love... Happiness is the greatest hiding place for despair. -- Søren Kierkegaard Despair is not correlated with any particular set of emotions but is instead marked by a...
K. Campbell – Static Threads
For me, playing a guitar is like the ancient art of weaving. It's about more than one player. At our best, me and Ronnie make the Bayeux Tapestry onstage. -- Keith Richards The front of a tapestry is art. In the hands of a skilled weaver it displays incredible...
Guest Post by Kevin Bloom of The Dead Shakers – The Creation of Brother Stomach
When I listened to 'Brother Stomach' by The Dead Shakers, I heard a deeply personal song that I did not completely understand. I knew that the story behind the song could be told only by the artist who created it. Kevin Bloom has given us a story full of details......
A Song About Every Guy in Houston Who Drives a Dodge Ram Pickup
If you have ever driven on a Houston freeway, even for just one day, you've had this experience... The right lanes are completely clogged with people entering and exiting the freeway. So you get in the left lane where there's a line of cars stretching from Beaumont to...
Chazzy Lake – Not Afraid of Your Crying Eyes
The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. -- Elie Wiesel I have only one confidant, and that is the silence of night. -- Søren Kierkegaard Our hominin grandparents developed the ability to speak almost two million years ago. Their first spoken words were We...
Theme for an Imaginary Vampire: Doug Hoyer – No Reflection
I became a vampire ten years ago. It was then that I ceased to have a reflection. When I look in a mirror I see, not myself, but a stranger who stands behind me. The countenance of the stranger blends the faces of my father and my mother’s father. He is aging rapidly...
Guest Post by Fluffy: Will Orchard – Turning Back Again
Hi, it’s me again. Fluffy the Cat. Sometimes the Food Guy let's me write his log post and then he puts it on the Winternet. I live with two friends named Milkshake and Cucumber. Milkshake doesn't write about music because she has too much altitude attitude. Cucumber...
Guest Post by Gavin M. – Don’t Forget Me
We spend our lives building relationships that give our lives meaning. We spend our lives building an intricate web of these that depict our loved ones. Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia are the thieves that rob an entire lifetime of these memories and replace it with...
Robb Young – Stay
And sometime very late in this long and arduous four-billion year evolutionary journey, a wondrous and extraordinary relationship was forged between two distantly related species: humans and dogs... I think, in many ways, it is we humans who have benefited most. --...