Category: Features

Feral Conservatives – Here’s To Almost
"Why are you dodging like this? They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." - The almost-last words of Union General John Sedgwick before getting shot in the head Everyone can use a little Almost. The bullet almost missed General Sedgwick (probably not, but you’d...

Mike Herz and Emily Barnes – Closer to Home
“Each one of the tunes is really special to us like all of you, so thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We hope we’ve made you as happy as the start of this journey has made us.” - Mike and Emily, Closer to Home Listening to the debut album from Closer to Home did...

Steven Lipsticks and his Magic Band: Why Isn’t This Guy Famous?
Eons ago, in the Cretaceous Era of my youth, I washed ashore against the rocky substrate of Spearfish, South Dakota. The town had little to recommend it, save a view of red sandstone hills and a bar called Bernie’s that served cheap 3.2 beer at happy hour....

Fluffy the Idiot Cat Reviews Naomi Pop
Hi. I’m Fluffy. The Food Guy that I live with writes this Blog. I’m not sure what a Blog is, but you read it on something called the Internet. The Food Guy does most of his reading on the toilet, so I guess the Internet is like a big toilet where people go to read...

Static in Verona – Odd Anthem
What is your Go-To Music, the sounds you crank up when it’s Headphone Time in the Cubicle, when the traffic grinds to a halt for no apparent reason, when the biography of Harry Truman that you are determined to finish needs a soundtrack, when you check Google...

Meet the Stragglers
Here at Reverb Raccoon, we have a simple goal: find good music and write something interesting about it. To that end, I have spent many hours browsing Bandcamp's New Arrivals, searching for pearls in a sea of fallow oysters. Much of what I hear is either "less than...

Do you feel Luck, Now? Well, do ya, punk?
What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you of late? If you answered, "When the truck hit me, my car was totaled but I spilled only half my beer," then maybe you need an uplift in the luck department. You need some Luck, Now! Try this: crank up Luck, Now's new...

Mike Herz – Smoke Your Smoke (Drink Your Drink)
Mike Herz is still fighting the good fight. Suburban family man, high school English teacher, writer and singer of deeply personal songs. Mike is every man’s Everyman, refusing to go gently into that long post-graduate good night where dreams of artistry die and where...

Oisin and Malachy – Pup
Welcome back cats, kittens, lovers and other strangers! It’s me again. The cat. The Food Guy and I just returned from Perth! That’s in Australia which is near the bottom of the world! When I first got off the plane I was holding on tight with my claws because I didn’t...

Strawberry Jacuzzi 5-18-14
What is it about relationships? At the beginning, you feel like the king of the fuckin’ universe. By the time it ends, you feel like a bucket of puke. And why do we always picture the Other Person as a glass of milk? You stalk her on Facebook, check her Twitter feed,...