Guest Post by Matthew Barton – Hide
You're lucky you don't feel you have to hide. I wrote those words in a song called 'Hide' a few years ago. I don't know exactly who I was singing them to, but the sentiment was clear to me: there are just some things that we feel we have to keep hidden. What we think,...

Cowboy Grizzly – Like a Child
Off we skip like the most heartless things in the world, which is what children are, but so attractive; and we have an entirely selfish time, and then when we have need of special attention we nobly return for it, confident that we shall be rewarded instead of...

Jay Rosie – Stay Late
A preemptive breakup. This is an incredible idea. I got nothing to lose. We either break up, which she would do anyway but at least I go out with some dignity. Or I completely turn the tables. -- Relationship Expert George Costanza A soul has but a single chance to...

The Crystal Furs – Expo 67
Ruins may be decaying, they are not dead, they are filled with possibilities for wondrous adventure, inspiring visions, quiet moments, peripatetic playfulness, dystopic preparation and artistic potential. -- Bradley Garrett, Explore Everything: Place-Hacking the City...

John Dredge and The Plinths – Where I Used To Be
From where I stood I watched them recede in the frame of the roadway, between the Moorish house and the Lombardy poplar. Then the little sedan boldly swung past the front truck and, free at last, spurted up the shining road, which one could make out narrowing to a...

Jeremi Duran – Don’t Take It So Seriously
Lazy Eye: What's your real job, sir?Scout Master Ward: I'm a math teacher.Lazy Eye: What grade?Scout Master Ward: Eighth... I'm going to change my answer, in fact. This is my real job: Scout Master, Troop 55. I'm a math teacher on the side. -- Wes Anderson's...

Ghost Fan Club – Passing Through
You only gotta do one thing well to make it in this world, babe / You got a woman waiting for you there / All you ever gotta do is be a good man one time to one woman / And that'll be the end of the road, babe -- 'Cry Baby' by Bert Berns and Jerry Ragovoy (as...

Christopher Ryan – A Little Bigger
People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom? -- Thich Nhat Hanh My wife talks to our peppers and tomatoes. Oooh you're so cute! You'll be a big plant someday! You're...

Borrowed Books – Altona
The most amusing thing about a pantomime horse is the necessity of having to shoot it twice. -- Steve Aylett, Bigot Hall Consider the pantomime horse: two people who share a single quadruped costume, enclosed within a relationship of dark and airless intimacy. The...

John Statz – Rainy Days in the UK
When I went off to school, I initially majored in architecture. Unlike George Costanza, I had never dreamed of pretending to be an architect and -- looking back -- I have no idea why I chose that major. I was a terrible architect. A classmate, who later became a very...