Guest Post by Fluffy: Rainsticks – Cut the Corners

by | Nov 2, 2020 | Guest Posts, Music, Song of the Day

Hi, it’s me again. Fluffy the Cat. Sometimes when the Food Guy is busy he lets me write his log post and then he puts it on the Winternet. Today the Food Guy has a pre-existing condition to help the Food Lady clean up her office and sort out all of her computer cables, so he said that I could find a song and write about it. I am going to write about ‘Cut the Corners’ by Rainsticks.

‘Cut the Corners’ is about a cat who is sitting in the front window and watching the people walk around the — what’s that word, Food Guy? — cut the sack cul de sac in front of the house. And sometimes people stay on the sidewalk and walk all the way around, and sometimes they cut across at the end and save a few steps. And the cat is thinking that when humans are about to fight, they should just cut across to the part where they make up and apologize. They will end up in the same place and it is a lot less bother.

Cats do not like it when their humans fight. There’s too many loud noises and if things get thrown around the cat could get hurt. Or maybe the humans will forget to feed the cat. If my humans were arguing, I would hide under the bed.

The Food Guy and the Food Lady do not fight. They say they have never had any reason to. I think maybe they had arguments with their old humans, but those humans got sent to the pound. They probably had to wear those plastic cones so they couldn’t bite themselves. I hope they found good homes someday. Maybe the Food Guy and the Food Lady have learned to cut the corners and leave out the bad parts.

‘Cut the Corners’ is a very nice song. I do not want to hide under the bed when I hear it. The notes are arranged in a very nice way, which the Food Guy says is the medoly melody. I also like it when the humans all sing at the same time, though the Food Guy says it might be overrubbed. I love to be rubbed, and I don’t think I could ever be overrubbed. What’s that? Oh. Overdubbed.

My favorite part of ‘Cut the Corners’ is when a guitar plays a few notes, and then the piano plays some notes, and then this pretty instrument that sounds kinda like a cat plays a line. The Food Guy says the pretty instrument is still a guitar a steel guitar. He says there are lots of steel guitars in Nashville, which is where Rainsticks lives and where the Food Guy lived when he was a kitten. The Food Guy also says ‘Cut the Corners’ sounds a little bit like birds. What? The Birds Byrds. The Food Guy thinks everything sounds like something that was done a long time ago.

So that is my log post about ‘Cut the Corners’ by Rainsticks. It is a good song and I think that you and your cat will like it. Dogs may like it too. But a dog will like anything. You could go on Facebook and say My kid fell out of a tree and broke his arm and a dog will press the Like button. Ok I’m done so I’ll let the Food Guy fill in the fiddly stuff that no one reads. Bye.

Rainsticks is Ben Parks, Nick Swafford, Brett Rosenberg, and Asher Horton with help from Austin Hoke (cello), Spencer Cullum (pedal steel), Scott Schmadeke (piano), and Rodrigo Avendano (synth, percussion). ‘Cut the Corners’ appears on their new album, October Onwards. We have previously featured Rainsticks’ ‘Atlanta Traffic,’ and ‘Car Alarm,’ a track released by Asher Horton as Hot Car.

The music of Rainsticks is available on Bandcamp, Spotify, and Apple Music. Visit the Rainsticks website, and be sure to follow Rainsticks on Instagram and Facebook. And to learn more about Asher Horton and the world of Nashville DIY music, listen to this Music City Pulse podcast recorded last year.

Charles Norman is a writer and historian. Email: Or follow on Instagram and Facebook.

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