Category: Song of the Day

Kelvin Candela – Bird Dirt
Two city boys from New York were sitting in a bar talking about their wives. One said, "You know, my wife says I need a hobby. She says all I do is sit at home, sit in my office, or sit in this bar. She says I need to do something that will get me outdoors." "My wife...

Jean Ritchie – One I Love
Jean Ritchie has been called The Mother of Folk for her role in preserving traditional Appalachian music, and in making the "modern" world aware of its beauty and timelessness. Born in the Cumberland Mountains of southeastern Kentucky, she later migrated to New York....

Sanpaulo – Smile A Little Smile For Me
"Smile A Little Smile For Me" relates the abjectly horrible tale of a man who has been friendzoned by a soul-devouring user named Rosemarie. The poor sap has to sit there at the Applebee's bar and listen as the teary-eyed Rosemarie sobs about how some guy (who finally...

Matthew Carr – Bright Star Fading
"Bright Star Fading," by Matthew Carr, is the perfect song for an April evening when the marigolds are blooming, the tomato vines are heavy with green promise, and the white-winged doves sit in the back of the yard and don't say anything because they only speak when...

Steven Lipsticks – Stay Awake, No More Dreams
"Stay Awake, No More Dreams," by Steven Lipsticks and His Magic Band, is a fine example of Underwear Music: a song that a guy writes and records sitting on his bed in his underwear following a breakup. The phenomenon of Underwear Music is a Guy Thing. After a breakup,...

Wormbag – Crop Duster
I have seen post-grunge alt-folk country dream pop future and its name is Wormbag. Those words were written by me in my January 2014 feature on Wormbag, a Portland band that barely scratched the surface of Obscurity before fading into Complete Oblivion. And while my...

Nastos – F*cked Up
In "Fucked Up" we are asked, "Why do I always wanna get fucked up every night?" Well, that depends on your situation. You are probably self-medicating in reaction to unresolved personal issues, in which case you need to develop healthier coping mechanisms. Or you...

Golden Teardrops – You’re Keeping Me Waiting
As my Grandmother always so poetically said, "There's nothing wrong with a good pop song." While some bands may shun my forebear's ethos, Golden Teardrops embraces it, revels in it. Thus they deliver to us "You're Keeping Me Waiting," a sunny, unapologetic dollop of...

Cats – Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow
"Meow Meow Meow Meow Meow" by Cats is a game-changer. The track redefines the entire concept of experimental noise rock by altering our perception of the genre's acceptable limits. Combining percussive minimalism with lyrical literalism, Cats creates an epic journey...

J Bengoy – Bleached
"Bleached" by J Bengoy is an atmospheric, jazzy ballad full of wistfulness. The song evokes a not-so-long past day when "We were so young and naive / Didn’t know just how to feel," with layered musical elements that create a gentle wall of shifting breezes. We are...