by Charles Norman | Nov 4, 2015 | Features
Eons ago, in the Cretaceous Era of my youth, I washed ashore against the rocky substrate of Spearfish, South Dakota. The town had little to recommend it, save a view of red sandstone hills and a bar called Bernie’s that served cheap 3.2 beer at happy hour....
by Fluffy the Cat | Sep 25, 2015 | Features, Guest Posts
Hi. I’m Fluffy. The Food Guy that I live with writes this Blog. I’m not sure what a Blog is, but you read it on something called the Internet. The Food Guy does most of his reading on the toilet, so I guess the Internet is like a big toilet where people go to read...
by Charles Norman | Sep 18, 2015 | Features
What is your Go-To Music, the sounds you crank up when it’s Headphone Time in the Cubicle, when the traffic grinds to a halt for no apparent reason, when the biography of Harry Truman that you are determined to finish needs a soundtrack, when you check Google...
by Charles Norman | Sep 12, 2015 | Features
Here at Reverb Raccoon, we have a simple goal: find good music and write something interesting about it. To that end, I have spent many hours browsing Bandcamp’s New Arrivals, searching for pearls in a sea of fallow oysters. Much of what I hear is either...
by Charles Norman | Aug 27, 2015 | Features
What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you of late? If you answered, “When the truck hit me, my car was totaled but I spilled only half my beer,” then maybe you need an uplift in the luck department. You need some Luck, Now! Try this: crank up...
by Charles Norman | Dec 14, 2014 | Features
Mike Herz is still fighting the good fight. Suburban family man, high school English teacher, writer and singer of deeply personal songs. Mike is every man’s Everyman, refusing to go gently into that long post-graduate good night where dreams of artistry die and where...