There Once Was A Deer From Australia

by | May 24, 2019 | Off the Wall

An Original Limerick in Four Stanzas
by Reverb Raccoon

There once was a deer from Australia
Who developed a taste for azaleas
But he couldn’t find none
From Perth to Melbourne
So he caught the next plane for Georgia

Upon seeing the azaleas in bloom
The deer immediately plotted their doom
He munched dawn to dark
Stripping leaves from the bark
Til his stomach no longer had room

Then he lay on his side and complained
Of indigestion and acute gas pain
Said he, ‘It’s the worst
For my innards have burst
In this life I shall not remain!’

And thus the deer met Saint Peter
Just another dead over-eater
In his book the saint wrote,
‘This deer’s now a ghost.
Cause of death: Azalea Fever.’

Charles Norman is a writer and historian. Email: Or follow on Instagram and Facebook.

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