Category: Off the Wall

What Really Happened to MH370

What Really Happened to MH370

In our movie, Something Bad happens. Then the Veteran Reporter, using only his brilliant Reporter’s Instinct, puzzles out that the Bad Thing happened as the result of a plot between a Government Official and an Evil Contractor working for the Military-Industrial...

Songs for Sunday Morning

Songs for Sunday Morning

The goal of Reverb Raccoon has always been to present one well-written post each week. Something you enjoy reading even if you don’t like the music. But sometimes Life obstructs the Blog. Ever have one of those weeks where you feel like you’ve spent four days locked...

News of the World

News of the World

Let’s see if we (the cats and I) can write one of those breezy, gossipy, throw-everything-against-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks posts that the other bloggers can regurgitate so effortlessly... Cory Bishop has released a new single, “You Can’t Take Me.” I don’t know...

Something Completely Different

Something Completely Different

Original limericks by Reverb Raccoon There was a deer from Australia Who developed a taste for azaleas But he couldn't find none From Perth to Melbourne So he caught the next plane for Georgia Upon seeing the azaleas in bloom The deer immediately plotted their doom He...

The Philosopher Who Became a Pig Farmer

The Philosopher Who Became a Pig Farmer

On a fine spring day, a philosopher went for a walk in the country.  As he contemplated the quaint farms and basked in the warm sunshine, his mind relaxed and he forgot the cares and strains of university life.  He considered that a rural setting would be an excellent...

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