Chelsea OW – A Television Pilot About Loss and Love

by | Aug 25, 2019 | Song of the Day

No sooner met but they looked; no sooner looked but they loved; no sooner loved but they sighed; no sooner sighed but they asked one another the reason; no sooner knew the reason but they sought the remedy; and in these degrees have they made a pair of stairs to marriage… William Shakespeare, As You Like It

The Arc of a Relationship, as defined from the ancient days of Shakespeare through the equally ancient plays of uncountable 90’s-vintage rom-coms, is captured in a four-reel screenplay: Meet Cute, Hook Up, Existential Crisis, Wistful Smile-Inducing Resolution. Two songs by Chelsea OW provide the soundtrack to acts One and Three. But, since we like happy endings and have only a handful of paragraphs remaining, we will reduce our movie to a television pilot and flip the script as they say in Hollywood…

As our story opens, our hero is breaking up with her lover, a sadly balding former punk rocker now employed in the financial industry. ‘Got to Get Gone’ wafts from the stereo prominently positioned on the designer shelves erected across the room from the enormous window that gives our camera a magnificent view of an urban green space. How young professionals are able to afford lofts that would deplete the savings of a mere millionaire is beyond me, but it’s a wonderful setting in which to break up, don’t you agree?

In need of Emotional Support and External Validation, our hero meets her best friend – probably Sandra Oh, who has made a career of such roles – at a sidewalk cafe that serves excellent white wine that the actors don’t drink (for editing purposes) and that is mysteriously short of the hornets, homeless, and overly-solicitous waiters that habituate every other sidewalk cafe in the known universe.

Upon leaving the cafe our hero drops her iPhone down a storm sewer grate and, sans cash or the hardware to hail an Uber, she induces a handsome young stranger to give her a lift uptown in the taxi into which he has already inserted one leg. The gentleman – we’ll make him the semi-famous writer of a blog about independent musicians – is obnoxious in a charmingly witty sort of way.

As our hero emerges from the cab after arriving at her destination, the world suddenly seems brighter, less expensive, and full of potential episodes that will be chronicled in our new favorite series, Last Blue Moon. Roll credits and cue the theme song…

Chelsea OW is Chelsea Orme-Williams of Plymouth UK. She describes her music as ‘songs that sit on the fence between quiet park bench musings and tantrum-trotting, plate-smashing romance novellas.’ Today’s songs appear on her new four-song EP, Last Blue Moon, available through Mole Industries.

Chelsea OW’s music is available on Bandcamp, Spotify, and Apple Music. You can follow Chelsea OW on Instagram, and Mole Industries on Facebook.

Charles Norman is a writer and historian. Email: Or follow on Instagram and Facebook.

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