Frenz – Might Not Survive
Today’s song of the day comes to us all the way from Portland, Oregon: “Might Not Survive” by Frenz. From the upcoming album Flower Farm (due to hit the stores April 20), “Might Not Survive” is a bit of well-produced fuzzy pop that, at two minutes twenty-five, doesn’t overstay its welcome. Frenz describes itself as “feeding on acorns of weird pop.” This song is a fine acorn, not weird, but born from a tree planted in the mid-sixties. And I can’t believe I actually wrote something so ridiculous.
When we commenced this blog back in the Paleozoic era (in which era my WordPress template is still mired because I don’t know how to change it), our goal was to make the world aware of good tunes (like “Might Not Survive”) without leaning on the reviewer’s well-worn crutch of saying “That song sounds like THIS band and this song sounds like THAT band.” I assumed that it would be enough to say “Hey, this is a good tune and you should listen to it.” Well, that endeavor lasted about two weeks before I was referencing every new song to something that I had heard before. And the more obscure the reference the better since, as all music journalists know, throwing out obscure references to bands no one has ever heard of is a proven method for impressing women and getting laid. Which brings us to “Might Not Survive.”
This song sounds like The Troggs “Love Is All Around.” No, not the theme from the Mary Tyler Moore show. The song by the guys who did “Wild Thing.” It has a similar chord progression, similar melody, similar structure. Here, listen to this…
OK, maybe it isn’t that similar. And, anyway, I’m not saying that sounding similar to a song from 1967 is a bad thing. I LIKE “Might Not Survive.” I even PAID $1.29 for it and you should, too. Don’t be one of those leeches that pays $8.00 every morning for a fancy Starbucks coffee then streams all of your music for free.
Hey, this is a good tune and you should listen to it. I’m looking forward to hearing – and buying – the remainder of the album. You can check out Frenz’s (or is it Frenz’) music on their Bandcamp page. And visit their Facebook page and hit the Like button.