Among Moons – Girlfriend

by | May 24, 2014 | Features

Hey, cats! What do you want to do tonight? Oh yeah, I know what you want to do. You want to watch the chipmunks on the front porch. In an act that made me question my professionally-questioned sanity, I spread some corn and sunflower seeds outside my porch window. Not to feed the chipmunks, but to attract them so that my indoor cats can sit in the window and watch the little critters scurry around doing whatever it is a chipmunk is trying to accomplish. Thus I have become the Executive Producer of a reality show staged only for the benefit of my cats.

OK, well you guys knock yourselves out with the Chipmunk Show. I’ve got a bottle of non-alcoholic Coors, a Lean Cuisine, and a laptop. Sounds like a perfect night to browse the New Arrivals on Bandcamp.

We hit a winner on the first click: the 4-song EP, Girlfriend from Among Moons, a solo project by Sean Pluto. Girlfriend is “an album about love, recorded in my bedroom,” Sean writes. “Girlfriend is just the feeling you get when you realize that something isn’t going to work out or you start noticing more distance between you and the person you love. It’s just about wanting to escape that feeling without having to let go.”

Been there, done that, addicted to songs about it. Who isn’t? “Indie Love” perfectly captures that middle of the night feeling when you want to send that text – you know the one I’m talking about – but know that you shouldn’t. Or can’t because of a restraining order.

Hold it slow, so I can hide
So I can hide all alone
With you, within my mind
Within my mind all alone
Confused in the middle of the night

XOXO” is a spritely little surfy-folky number hiding some rather dark sentiments.

So we abandon roots, so we abandon life
To go and find ourselves, to go and feel a night
I hear a kid again, growing inside my mind
And it’ll all come down, it’ll all be gone

Which comes first, the love in you or the kid in you? And if one departs, does it take the other in tow for that long ride into the sunset? Or must we abandon our roots, our childhood, our First Love in order to be reborn, to grow and love unconditionally?

Sean Pluto creates his music in Waynesville North Carolina. Girlfriend and his previous release, the 3-track Moments of a Life That Once Made Sense, are available on Bandcamp. And be sure to join Sean and Among Moons on Facebook and Tumblr.

Charles Norman is a writer and historian. Email: Or follow on Instagram and Facebook.

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