Songs for Sunday Morning
The goal of Reverb Raccoon has always been to present one well-written post each week. Something you enjoy reading even if you don’t like the music. But sometimes Life obstructs the Blog. Ever have one of those weeks where you feel like you’ve spent four days locked up in a freezing psycho ward for indigent tweakers, crackheads, zonked out zombies, Raymond Babbitt, and a guy who claims “there’s two of me and the government put the wrong one in here?” Yeah, me too. And in those times, writing about music is the last thing on your mind. So sometimes Reverb Raccoon misses a week. Or a month. But this week let’s not worry about that “well-written” deal. Let’s just open the windows, listen to the mockingbirds, watch the chipmunks that live in the columns on the front porch, and see what the New Arrivals on Bandcamp has to offer…
Sabers – Sic Semper Sabers
The new offering from former M’s singer Josh Chicoine covers a wide range of styles and influences. There is a Beatlesesque psychedelia snaking through the background of many tracks. But the subtle hooks and melodies will have you hitting the Replay button. Being an addict of Pure Pop, I of course go straight for the most poppy song in the lot, “Money Eddie.”
Check out Sic Sember Sabers on Bandcamp. And visit Sabers on Facebook, their website, and Twitter.
beats by dre jr. mindphone – Experience Music
I’m not a huge fan of this type of music, mostly because, honestly, I’m not hip enough to understand it. And there’s a metric ton of this stuff on Bandcamp. Every person who owns a synthesizer has, at some point, thrown a bunch of random sounds against the digital wall. But with a format described as “proteus mind machine compatible,” a release date of “17 December 2030,” and “Don’t Be A Bitch Ass” scrawled on the cover art, I figured dre jr. might be worth a listen. I have no idea if this is good or not. I semi-like the classical feel of “Lonely Guys Club and Retreat.” Maybe, by 2030, this will have replaced “Pomp and Circumstance” as the standard graduation anthem.
And this is the space where “Lonely Guys Club and Retreat” used to be. But it ain’t here no more!
Experience Music was available on Bandcamp. Unfortunately, dre jr. seems to have disappeared as mysteriously as he arrived. Perhaps he has returned to the future. dre jr. doesn’t seem to have a website or Facebook page which means that, with any luck, the entire internet will be extinct by 2030 and the only password we will need to remember will be for that proteus mind machine thing. I just hope I can use it to stalk my ex-girlfriend. That’s a joke, OK? Jeez!
Poirot’s Boys – “Roll with the Blast”
This being a Lazy Sunday (I think), I’m going to do the Lazy Blogger’s thing and just quote the band’s published bio from Which, in this case, isn’t much: “Poirot’s Boys are Wayne, Alan and Davey Poirot, an autobiographical avant-skiffle trio from present-day Nottingham with roots in Victorian Belgium. It has been noted that they each bear striking resemblances to members of Captain Dangerous, August Actually and Born With Stripes, though this is merely coincidence.”
Their Facebook bio adds, “Expect dancing, electric guitars and dressing up.” Sounds like fun. And their single, “Roll with the Blast” was the perfect song for a morning with the windows open, mockingbirds singing in the back yard, and chipmunks playing on the front porch.
She changed her picture
Mine stayed the same
“Roll with the Blast” b/w “Sleeping Pills” is available on Bandcamp. AND (flourish of trumpets) if you download the 2-song EP you actually get THREE songs! A radio edit of “Roll with the Blast” get thrown in as a bonus. Thanks, guys!
So that’s our Sunday morning. I’d like to say thank you on behalf of the cats and ourselves and I hope we’ve passed the audition.