Donald and Jack – Sad Covers

Donald and Jack – Sad Covers

“You don’t write about popular music. You write about unpopular music.” – Anonymous Donald and Jack, by any and all of the usual standards, are Unpopular. Not unpopular in the sense of having been evaluated, and rejected by, the Great Unwashed or Washed Masses...
The Sweets – Greatest Hits

The Sweets – Greatest Hits

The Sweets Greatest Hits is a wonderful lo-fi mess of hooks, stuck-in-your-head melodies, reverby guitars, and wistful energy. But through the hum, hiss, and distortion, you hear, feel, and enjoy the unique creativity that drives The Sweets. The Sweets are brothers...
The Great Wilderness – In the Hour of the Wolf

The Great Wilderness – In the Hour of the Wolf

Listen: Billy Pilgrim is unstuck in time… The Great Wilderness self-describes as “dream rock.” But the dreams they spin are populated by shrieking men, bloodied and battered men, howling wolves, rebels, storms, crashing trains, twisting bones and tearing flesh,...
Donald and Jack – Sad Guitars

Donald and Jack – Sad Guitars

Wikipedia tells us that there are 6,477,798 songs on Bandcamp. If we conservatively estimate that each song is 3 minutes in length, then listening to the entire catalog would require 37 years. Five of those songs, about 21 minutes worth, belong to Donald and Jack. My...
Mike Herz – Life Music from Northern New Jersey

Mike Herz – Life Music from Northern New Jersey

There’s a difference between daydreamers and people chasing dreams… Chasing down a vision isn’t for the faint of heart. – Mike Herz, in “Doin’ Alright” and “Faint of Heart” I asked Mike Herz, “If you could sing a duet with any living singer, who would you...